Key Tariff Exclusions on E-Bikes to Expire June 14

Starting June 14, importers of Chinese-made e-bikes, juvenile bikes, and certain other bicycle products will face an additional 25% tariff. The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced on Friday that the exclusions from the Section 301 tariffs, initially imposed by the Trump administration and extended multiple times, will expire on this date.

Originally set to expire on May 31, the USTR has provided a transition period by extending the exclusions until June 14. After this period, imports of e-bikes, children's bikes, certain carbon fiber frames, and water packs will be subject to the extra 25% duty, in addition to existing tariffs. This additional tariff will apply to products arriving at Customs after midnight on June 14; products already cleared will not be affected.

However, the USTR has extended exclusions for Chinese-made bicycle trailers and some bicycle helmets until June 1, 2025, as detailed in Annex C of the USTR announcement.

PeopleforBikes, an advocacy group, stated that it continues to push for tariff relief and seeks clarity on recent USTR decisions. The exclusions had most recently been extended in December to the May 31 deadline, with the USTR considering industry comments submitted in January and February. Earlier this month, President Joe Biden announced plans to impose new tariffs on Chinese products, including electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries, but the treatment of bike and e-bike products remained unclear until Friday's announcement.